Bexley Selective Licensing Scheme starts on 13 January 2025
Date: Monday 13 January 2025
About: A new selective licensing scheme comes into force in the London Borough of Bexley on 13 January 2025 and will continue in force for five years.
The selective licensing scheme only covers the Belvedere council ward. If you are unsure whether your property falls within the designated area, you can check using a postcode search facility on the Council’s website.
Within this area, a licence application must be submitted for all private rented properties occupied by a single household or two unrelated sharers. The scheme will also cover small Houses in Multiple occupation that fall below the threshold for mandatory HMO licensing.
Mandatory HMO licensingÂ
Most Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) occupied by five or more people are already covered by the mandatory HMO licensing scheme that extends borough wide.
How can I apply?
Bexley Council have an online licence application system which you can access via the Council’s website. Once you follow the link, you need to click on ‘How to apply and costs’. The council started to accept applications on 5 November 2024.
The Council have published a useful guide to the licence application here.
To accompany your licence application, the council have told us you do not need to provide any supporting documents which makes the application process much easier. However, to assist them in processing your application, the council invite you to provide:
- a simple plan of the property
- Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
- Gas Safety Certificate (if gas is supplied to the property)
- Current Fire Detection and Alarm System Inspection and Servicing Report (if applicable)
- Emergency Lighting Certificate
- Energy Performance Certificate
- tenancy agreement
How much will a selective licence application cost?
There is a fixed fee of £800 per property. This is payable in two instalments – £340 at time of application and £460 when the council has processed the application and is ready to approve the licence.
Properties that were licensed when the previous selective licensing scheme ended in August 2023 will be eligible for a £300 discount, providing they apply within three months of the scheme coming into force, i.e. by 13 April 2025.
Looking for more information?
You can visit the Council’s website, email or phone 020 8303 7777.
Risks of non-compliance
Landlords and letting / managing agents that fail to comply with the new scheme risk prosecution in the Magistrates Court or a civil financial penalty of up to £30,000 per property. Other sanctions include Rent Repayment Orders, inability to issue a section 21 notice and an entry in the Mayor of London’s Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker. If is far better to submit the licence application promptly and design out these risks.
London Property Licensing has published a free guide with more detailed information about property licensing and HMO planning rules in the London Borough of Bexley, available here.
We can also help landlords and agents by preparing your selective licensing application in Bexley. You can find more information about our service and contact us here.