Have your say on proposed landlord licensing schemes in Enfield
Proposals designed to raise housing standards, reduce anti-social behaviour and tackle deprivation have been published by Enfield Council as part of a public consultation that is currently underway.
London Property Licensing have been following the council’s plans with interest and previous updates can be found here.
The council’s proposals include a borough wide additional licensing scheme designed to include most Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). This would bring shared houses and flats occupied by three or four people within the licensing scheme for the first time. The existing mandatory HMO licensing scheme only applies to HMOs occupied by five or more people.
The council has said that so-called section 257 HMOs (certain buildings converted into flats) will be excluded from the additional licensing scheme.
The council are also proposing a selective licensing scheme in the following wards: Bowes, Edmonton Green, Enfield Highway, Enfield Lock, Haselbury, Jubilee, Lower Edmonton, Palmers Green, Ponders End, Southbury, Southgate Green, Turkey Street and Upper Edmonton.
There is a separate proposal for a selective licensing scheme in Chase ward.
If implemented, the selective licensing scheme would extend licensing to all private rented homes in these wards.
The council say these new licensing schemes will enable them to insist that landlords meet certain licence conditions such as undertaking safety checks and ensuring properties are not overcrowded or dangerous and are properly managed.
If introduced, the proposed licensing schemes would play a major part in improving housing standards by addressing poor property conditions in private rented properties, would raise management standards in the sector, and help tackle anti-social behaviour and deprivation.
Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Licensing and Regulatory Services, Cllr George Savva, said:
“With more people living in private rented accommodation, and in poor conditions, it is more important than ever that we introduce licensing schemes to ensure properties in the private rented sector are good quality, safe and secure.
“Licensing the private rented sector will improve housing standards, help reduce deprivation, improve tenants’ safety and quality of life, and improve the quality of our communities.
“Many landlords offer good quality, safe and well managed private rented homes, but some take advantage of residents and rent out dangerous, cold and damp, overcrowded and poor-quality accommodation.
“A licensing scheme would set standards that will improve housing conditions and make it far harder for unscrupulous landlords to rent out substandard, dangerous and overcrowded properties.
“We are committed to raising the quality of private rented housing in Enfield for the people that live in the borough.“
The public consultation opened on 28 August 2019 and continues until 29 November 2019 and all interested parties are being encouraged to take part.
More information about the consultation including the evidence base, public meetings and how to provide feedback is available here.
A free guide containing more detailed information about property licensing in the London Borough of Enfield is available here.
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