
New landlord licensing consultation underway in Haringey

Thursday, January 4th, 2018 - Haringey Council

Residents, landlords and tenants are being asked for their views on Haringey Council’s proposal to introduce two new property licensing schemes.

The consultation started on 11 December 2017 and runs until 5 March 2018.

The proposals include a borough-wide additional licensing scheme for all houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), combined with a selective licensing scheme for all private rented properties in 29 separate areas across the borough.

Maps of each area together with a postcode search facility are available on the council’s website.

At present, Haringey’s additional licensing scheme is restricted to the wards of Bruce Grove, Northumberland Park, Seven Sisters, Tottenham Hale and Tottenham Green – a scheme that was introduced on 1 May 2014.

According to the council, the number of private rented properties in Haringey has increased by over 45% (over 10,000 properties) between 2001 and 2011 and the private rented sector now makes up a third of all housing in the borough.

It is estimated the additional licensing scheme will cover half of all private rented homes – approximately 18,000 properties – although it is unclear how many properties are included in the proposed selective licensing scheme.

Proposed licence application fees

The council is proposing to charge a selective licensing fee of £500 per property and an additional licensing fee of £208 ‘per unit of accommodation’, with most licences issued for five years.

The fees would be reduced by 50% for early bird applications submitted in the first three months of the scheme.

The council estimate that the scheme will cost £8.8 million over five years, with the costs recovered from licence fee income.

Support package for landlords

To help improve conditions and management in the private rented sector, the council have said they will employ outreach officers to work with landlords and private tenants and provide advice and assistance.

The council are also proposing to establish a dedicated web page to provide landlords with helpful standard letters and tenancy agreements and to signpost them to independent organisations that provide support and assistance.

Consultation events

The council are organising several consultation events and drop in sessions when landlords and letting agents can find out more about the proposals and have their say, with details available on the council’s website.

Hackney’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Peray Ahmet said:

We consider that extending our additional licensing scheme and introducing a selective licensing scheme are the best tools available to tackle problems or poor housing management practices and conditions. Licensing will become part of a wider strategic approach to drive up living standards for all, improve the environment and make Haringey the best place to live in London“.

Further information about property licensing and HMO planning restrictions in Haringey is available at

Further information about the licensing consultation and how to take part can be found on the council’s website.

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