New planning controls will restrict HMOs in Barnet
New planning controls look set to restrict the number of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in the London Borough of Barnet, according to the latest research by London Property Licensing.
At present, Barnet landlords need planning permission to change a single-family property into a house in multiple occupation (HMO) occupied by more than six people. No planning permission is needed for smaller HMOs.
All this looks set to change following the Council’s Planning Committee meeting on 18 May 2015 when a decision was made to restrict the number of new HMOs being established.
As a result, on 28 May 2015 Barnet Council made a non-immediate Article 4 Direction that will remove the permitted development rights to change a dwelling from a single-family property (use class C3) to a small HMO with up to six residents (use class C4). The new rules will apply borough-wide.
Public Consultation Exercise
Barnet Council is consulting on the HMO Article 4 Direction until 30 August 2015 and inviting comments from all interested parties. Responses can be sent to the Planning Policy Team, Building 4, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London, N11 1NP or by email to
If the Article 4 Direction is confirmed, it will come into force on 29 May 2016.
The changes are not retrospective and will not impact on smaller HMOs (use class C4) established before the Article 4 Direction comes into force.
Further information about property licensing and HMO planning controls in Barnet can be found at
More information about the consultation exercise is available on the Council’s website.