
GetWinterReady campaign for landlords helps prevent a potential claim

Thursday, February 25th, 2016 - By Steve Barnes, Assistant Director at Total Landlord Insurance

This winter has already been a trying one for many landlords. The storms sweeping across Britain in December and January have left a lot of damage behind, to homes and businesses in Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire and Scotland. At the moment, it looks like more storms might be on the way. So far, the Association of British Insurers expects the final bill for insurers to be as much as £1.3bn.

Our team at Total Landlord Insurance are experts in providing advice on how to prevent damage to your property during the winter. We are celebrating our 20th company anniversary in 2016 and have shown our knowledge and expertise in those areas important for landlords time and time again since 1996.

While the claims we encounter each year during the cold seasons are mostly related to poor maintenance and preparation for frost and flood damage, there are naturally some occasions when you can do little to protect your property, for example a regional flood. However, there are important maintenance tasks for landlords that, if done regularly and correctly, can help pre-empt many a winter claim.

At Total Landlord Insurance, we have put educating landlords about how to prepare their properties for winter at the top of our list this year and launched the #GetWinterReady campaign in November.

In order to help landlords avoid having to make a claim, we put together crucial advice on a dedicated winter page, including factsheets and videos on flooding, storm and cold snaps. The uptake was phenomenal, with page hits soaring throughout the season. The factsheets give concise advice on several important aspects of pre-winter care and for those landlords who only have little time, they are accompanied by short insightful videos of our experts.

Our Property and in-house Claims team are always happy to give advice on the phone and for this campaign, we asked them some of the questions they hear the most during the cold season. If you don’t want to go through all the factsheets, a longer video with our experts gives you quality advice in one go as well.

While the winter season is advancing swiftly, it is still important not to lose those important regular maintenance tasks out of sight. Even in March and April, overnight frost can still be a nasty surprise.

Why not go to our dedicated winter page and see what you can do to keep your property safe this winter.