Have your say on HMO licensing in Camden
Residents, landlords and service providers are invited to have their say on Camden’s licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).
Camden Council is reviewing its current additional HMO licensing scheme which aims to improve the safety and management standards of these privately rented properties.
HMOs subject to licensing include house and flat shares, student homes, bedsits, and some buildings converted into flats.
In Camden, landlords are required to have an additional licence if they own or manage an HMO occupied by three or more people. The licence ensures the property is well-maintained and safe for everyone living there.
First launched in 2015, each additional licensing scheme lasts for a maximum of five years and the current scheme is due to end in December 2025.
A consultation is now underway for residents, tenants, landlords, agents, businesses and service providers in Camden and the surrounding areas to share their views and help shape the future of HMO licensing in the borough.
Councillor Sagal Abdi-Wali, Cabinet Member for Better Homes at Camden Council said:
“Everyone deserves a safe place to call home. With over a third of households in Camden privately renting, it’s crucial that these homes meet the highest standard of safety and management for our residents.
“Your feedback will help improve conditions for private renters in Camden and help us continue taking action against sub-standard homes.”

The consultation began on Monday 27 January and closes at midnight on Tuesday 8 April 2025. You can find out more about the proposed new HMO licensing scheme and share your views by visiting
Anyone requiring more information can contact Camden Council’s HMO licensing team on 020 7974 5969 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm) or email
Drop-in sessions will be taking place at various Camden libraries for residents to find out more about the scheme and share their views:
- Pancras Square Library, 5 Pancras Square N1C 4AG – Tuesday 4 February, 10.30am – 12.30pm
- Swiss Cottage Library, 88 Avenue Road NW3 3HA – Thursday 13 February, 2pm – 4pm
- Kentish Town Library, 262- 266 Kentish Town Road NW5 2AA – Tuesday 4tMarch, 12 noon – 2pm
- Camden Town Library, 218 Eversholt Street NW1 1BD – Thursday 20 March, 4pm – 6pm
- Queens Crescent Library, 165 Queen’s Crescent NW5 4HH – Tuesday 1 April, 11.30am – 1.30pm
Our free guide containing more information about property licensing and HMO planning restrictions in Camden is available here.
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